Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mortem's Tricks or Treats Return Of The Copy Bat.

I wish I would've sewn this on Halloween day... then at least I could've said I did something on the day of. But I didn't.
It was an after thought.

In fact, Halloween day was exceedingly uneventful, and it saddens this Halloween-aholic to have let that day pass with not a single gesture of spirit.
... *sigh* ...

Still, I have a lot to show for the month of October despite everything else. I did a bit of Halloween shopping throughout the month. Biggest purchase was a haul of Halloween fabric I made roughly 2 weeks ago, among other odds and ends throughout that didn't cost over $10. Joann's was clearing out their Halloween stock to replace with Christmas junk.
And by the way, Joanns, it was too. Damn. EARLY!


I found this skeleton shirt at Walmart for $6. It was the only one on the rack left, and it was a men's large.
Why do men get all the good prints? The universe must be telling me I should sew more...

Well, without further ado!

The Kreepsville-inspired-skeleton-dress-a-la-copy-bat

Phew, quite a mouthful.
As a matter of fact, it's a good thing I found this as a men's shirt, because I was heavily debating buying the original tunic dress that Kreepsville has; the purple and black one... I still may make that purchase. It's purple and black... I mean, c'mon!
Well, the compromise to this one is that it glows in the dark, and the Kreepsville one does not.

Here is the shirt in its original glory... or shame, if you'd rather. A thought struck me to give this to my husband, and unfortunately it was too small-- otherwise if it did, it would not be the dress that it is now. Not sure whether that's lucky, or unlucky.

I laid my best tank top and skirt atop the shirt and traced about a half an inch away, so to compensate for seam allowance; makes cutting out easier. 
I then took my french curves and rulers to clean out the the lines so they'd be as close to perfectly symmetrical on both sides as I can make it.
Having a set of french curves will save you a lot of fuss during reconstructions such as this... but if you don't care if your sides are even, then skip them. I am just a stickler for finishing a garment properly.

Next, I pinned on the inner part of the chalked lines and cut fairly close to the line... 
Cutting is so much easier when you don't have to remember to add in seam allowance.

I wanted to add in my own subtle touch to this dress, so I cut out some of the back in order to create something like a yoke. More french curve action! I used a weaved sheer material-- it wasn't quite mesh, since it just barely had any stretch to it.

So, yup... that is pretty much the entire process in a nutshell. And now I can enjoy a skeleton dress, heh.

I accessorized with other little things I made; a skeleton hand hair clip and simple skull necklace.
Funny enough, they were also made from Halloween goods. It was all part of a cheap Halloween necklace you'd find at Dollar Stores (in my case Dollarama in Canada); the pendant was the hand, and the strand was made of the little acrylic skulls that make up the pendant of my necklace. 

An entire outfit composed of items revamped from Halloween goods! Take that!

I took my outfit just to go grocery shopping and finally my pvc pea coat fit into my outfit seamlessly.
I wish I could say the same about the actual fit of the coat....

I bought it ages and ages ago... I kept thinking I'll grow into it, since I was in jr. high (I think 16?) at the time of its purchase. Alas, nature had shorter plans for me. Heh...


  1. Wow, it is fantastic how you can turn a men's large into a dress! But on a man, would the hips even be in the right place? Great job, you look really funky! And it glooooows!

    That coat would look perfect if you shorten the sleeves, the length itself looks good!

    1. It certainly wouldn't lie in the right places on a man, hehe... but it is from Walmart; mass production is a synonymous term, hehe =P
      It's quite funky, and fun! Especially when I walk around in the dark wearing it lol...

      I've only sewn with vinyl maybe once or twice in the past... I'm afraid to try making the repairs it needs! Hahah. And well... it's a repair job, which translates as a "maybe later" job in my head XD.

  2. I love the extra little mesh detail in the back! Very nice touch, Madame MM! :D

    1. Thanks!
      I needed something else besides the no sleeve aspect, to really differentiate it from the original lol

  3. I so wish I had your creativity. Not only because you did a wonderful job with that, uhm, not so beautiful t-shirt xD, but because you had that idea in the first place. I would have never thought of doing that (even supposing I was able to XD). It fits you greatly, and it's surely Halloweeny :).

    1. I'm sure you'd surprise yourself; having the tools and a touch of know-how surely facilitates the creative flow much easier, believe me ;)
      Hehe, it wasn't so hard to think it up... Kreepsville did all the creative work-- I just saw an opportunity to "upgrade" from the original.
      I don't call myself the copy bat for nothin'!

  4. It's awesome! I also check the men's racks for the same purpose, but if I find a cool tee, my boyfriend usually claims it as his...but I have been looking for a skeleton t - shirt for a while too, I also like that Kreepsville dress, but to be honest, I've seen one irl and I'm doubtful if it's worth it's price plus all the additional fees I'd have to pay...

    1. The men's rack is a gold mine of awesome prints!
      In fact, most of my favorite t-shirts were found in the boy's section-- they're not so overly embellished like girl's and women's prints. I always feel like I would be adding too much to a female t-shirt because of that fact.
      My husband didn't seem overly enthusiastic about potentially owning this shirt, but then again he's not into the same things I am into, except for gaming... heh. We rarely agree on what constitutes a cool shirt print.

      I wasn't sure about the quality versus price either-- that usually plays very heavily when I decide to copy bat something. Until this shirt, I wasn't sure if DIY'ing was going to be cost effective, as I was pricing out the cost of printing my own shirt for the project-- it didn't come out to be a lot cheaper, kinda more like just barely.

  5. Wow, clever girl! The dress turned out so nice. The added yoke detail did the thing to it all and gave it an even more professional look. Now you have a one o a kind dress.

    1. Thank you =)
      I love the look of sheer yokes... and it's odd that I don't do it more often in my sewing lol

  6. Oh, very nice! Have to keep this in my memory when I find a cool t-shirt! :)

    1. Indeed I hope you do, there's so many neat prints that this could be applied to-- and many other variations to it to.

  7. Well done! It looks fantastic. :D

  8. Love how the dress turned out! Also, I have tried on that Kreepsville tunic that you mentioned and it is made of this horrible thin material which surprised me as it is a bit pricey.

    1. Thank you!
      Though I confess being quite disappointed to hear that the tunic dress may not be worth it after all... it's so lovely, but the price is now thrice more intimidating than it originally was... what a shame =/

  9. That re-do turned out great :D I really love what you did with the back.

  10. Great idea how to change t-shirt into dress! Pretty!


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