Monday, December 29, 2014

Fashioning My Cyber Microcosm: On The Doorstep To The New Year

I can't even believe the new year is literally days away.

Franny kicked off Bat Fit 2015 on the 23rd, and as usual I am "fashionably" late to the party.

I can't even recall the goals I set for '14. Though I'm fairly certain it was along the lines of attempting to lose weight... I did, and for a while things were fairly predictable in a good way. Then we moved and lived in a hotel for about a month, and it was stressful, and all I ate was take out. Then we got the house we wanted to buy, and I began cooking again... but then I got a job at Albertsons, and I began having anxiety attacks that stopped me from functioning. I worked there for a month, and when things were beginning to look very dreary, I was offered the best job I could ever hope for-- at a local fabric store, working with some exceptionally fantastic ladies whom have known each other for years and years.

It was beginning to feel like the pieces of my life were just falling into place and gaining purpose-- something I felt I was lacking for so long. I was happy, and people commented on how happy I seemed-- life felt so good, and for a moment I felt impenetrable to bad news and negative energy.
Of course, as things go, it doesn't shine nor rain everyday, and with the news of my mother's diagnosis I was immediately plummeted back to reality.

So now we wait. Still hopeful for what lies ahead in 2015.

Like most wise people, my mother says making goals is important, even if they're small-- the idea that you've accomplished something you set out to do carries the same weight in your mind, whether it is solving a global issue or just helping a neighbor out.

And so, here are my goals for 2015 Bat Fit.

  1. Organize my time better. I used to procrastinate so much, but now it feels like I'm trying to shove too much into my life. I need to find a balance again.
  2. Read more. I used to read everyday, and now I find I can barely sit through one article without thinking about what I am going to do next.
  3. Teach my mother to sew or knit.
  4. Put more into rainy day funds. Seems pessimistic, but it's better to know you have a net below when you might fall, then to endure the complete hardship that follows. 


  1. Reading more and working on the work life balance sounds really good! I hope next year will be better for you!

  2. I'd love to read more, seems like my art has taken over my life, which isn't a bad thing but it's very stressful. That and I've eaten like a piggy. So I'm gonna try to take up yoga for the eighteenth time and remove sugar from my diet!

    1. Heh, sounds like we're kindred spirits. My hands could use the reading break, I have such badly calloused finger tips for all my sewing... but you're right, it's a good feeling being wrapped up in our craft =)

  3. I hear ya about the take-out food. God knows how much I packed on in the six months we were living in the hotel, but I had to buy a pair of men's jeans by the end of it. Fortunately it started coming off once we moved in, but then it was Christmas and all that baking! But those stoopid jeans went out the door last week.

    Pretty much an emotional roller coaster for you last year, Madame MM. Here's to a much better 2015!

    1. Oh Lady Insomniac, I cannot even imagine how tough it has been for you in that hotel-- I haven't spent nearly half that time, and yet it was one of the worst experiences of my entire life. It gave me a taste of what life is like bereft of my sewing-- it was horribly void, and the hours stretched through eternity. Yuck.

      A lot can happen in a year and the past year has certainly drove that point in.
      Here's to you too, lady Insomniac!


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